Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday is for Sisters:D

Sandy brought over some new fabrics
she had purchased
we split them in order to make some little Salsa Skirts:D
This one is for Maddie
and I hope it fits!

We have officially set aside Wednesdays
as a playdate for my me and my sis......
Today we worked on entirely different projects....
where in the same workspace:D

The idea is just spending time together!
Sandy has decided to move on from the Antique Mall.....
and spend more of her spare time painting.
I think the "Hunting & Gathering" has finally
gotten to her...LOL
That is a good thing!
...spending more time painting that is....
But, we didn't want to miss out on the time we spend together,
so we decided that we should spend Wednesdays
together doing whatever that is we do...ha..ha!
This week I worked on a little Salsa Skirt for Maddie's
summer wardrobe
while San started a large acrylic painting
of a bedroom setting:D
We had fun, got a lot accomplished, laughed, talked and had
a little lunch together:D

I love having a sister
that enjoys
all the same things I do!!!!!


Rose Garden Romantic said...

How wonderful that you two have such a close relationship and enjoy the same things! That skirt is so adorable! I need to learn to use my sewing machine!

lindaharre said...

Yes you do:D It is TOO MUCH FUN! Lin

Sandy Graeser Haynes said...

ditto, my dearie !!