Thursday, July 09, 2009

More Odds and Ends from Today!

Josie's Birthday Outfit:) Happy Birthday Little Girl:)

Standing off to the left of the new addition in the yard!

Looking up from down in the woods:)

Standing in the yard above the new steps:)

Now we are preparing for Phase III which will complete the steps to the floor of the woods, a new dry rock wall (retaining some of the hillside giving me a flat garden below the trees) and a large urn or sculpture down in the woods below!!!! Wow, I feel like it is Christmas and I have gotten the best gift ever....YEA!

Second post for the day, but I wanted to share these few photos. First, Josie is having a Birthday and I wanted to make her something special to wear to her party. I am taking it over tonight:) I liked the way it turned out.........................always love the twirley skirts:)

Next, the landscapers are working on steps down into the woods. This is Phase II of our landscaping project! It has been impossible to work on my gardens down in the wooded area for the past 4 years because I slip on the rocks that were put as stepping stones. It is an extreme drop off and has gotten worse over the years due to settling. When they built our home, they simply knocked off the top of the hill or ridge to get a flat spot to build. Pushing all of the top soil down the hill, they managed to leave a yard of rocks and clay....UGH It has taken 11 years to add enough topsoil and compost matter making gardening fun again! After moving from a home 125 years old with an established yard.........this was a nightmare!!!!! Frank and his helper are solving a world of problems for me...................making gardening easy again! Above you can see the starting of a series of steps leading to a flat area in the woods. When complete, I plan on putting a huge iron urn down there filled to match the season! The kids should enjoy the reclaimed area as well:)


cheryl kuhn said...

Oh my gosh, I am so JEALOUS of your beautiful new steps!! How lucky you are and I know you will get a lot of use out of them. What a great gift to increase your gardening enjoyment!

Vintage Papers said...

the skirt and top are just the cutest! :)