Thursday, July 26, 2012

Margo, Milly and Me........

Today I watched Margo for a few hours
while Mommy was at work. 
 She has always loved the feel of hard, smooth glass. 
 She wanted to hold my vintage paperweights.....
and that was fine! 
 I put them in a big for her
 she carried it around much of the time she was here. 
 It appears that weighty things
are very attractive to her:D 
Anyway, while we were outside on the deck
I snapped a few pictures
and took a video of her playing
 to possibly show the new team of doctors
 that will be observing her again next week. 
 I see congnitive thinking skills going on there
 when she arranges the weights,
thought they might find it interesting as well.

Last Sunday, Milly and I had our special day
 as reported in my last post. 
 Mommy says she seems to love her new American Girls Doll.....
so I decided to make some clothes for her.
  I am amazed at what moms spend on the outfits!!!!!!
  You could outfit a child
for the same amount of money....LOL!

Our trip to the new American Girl Store in St. Louis
was quite an eye opener. 
 I thought they had a 'special event' going on
 there were so many people in the store. 
The hostess said, "No, it is always like this".....WOW! 
 Body to body
elbow to elbow.......
like a 70% off Macy's Sale..ha..ha!

Although I did cave for an outfit
and some accessories.....
I felt that I could make the clothes myself
and she could have many more!
My friend, Sharon had given my many of her
18" doll clothes patterns.
When she came for a visit this week, we sat down
and started sewing some clothes for Milly!
The outfits were fun to make and turned out so cute
I am sure I will be making many more:D

 Here we have some P.J's and a robe.....
along with a long sleeved T-shirt.

 If they had had these dolls and all the accessories when I was young, my mom would have been in serious trouble!!!!

Here is Margo playing with the heavy glass paperweights:) 
I do want to the end of her
visit she had gotten frustrated about something
 hurled the bag to the ground
 (on the ceramic tile floor).
One paperweight shattered and I quickly realized
that probably wasn't such a good idea!
I can't imagine
Poor baby!
Maybe this new team of doctors will
figure something out......(I hope and pray).

My sweet Milly:D

1 comment:

Rose Garden Romantic said...

Your sweet granddaughters are so adorable! I hope the new team of docs can help dear Margo! I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to not be able to communicate! She is so lucky to have you to spend time with and give her so much love! You are so sweet to make outfits for Milly's doll! I remember my mama made me lots of clothes for my barbies and I loved them so much! She even made sparkly evening dresses. I have no idea how she could sew such tiny seams! I tell you my mama is pure magic! And so are you! Your grandkids are very blessed to have such a sweet grandma that does special things for them! My grandparents were not like that. I was lucky that my mama was. Reminds me of this quote that I love,

"Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do. Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children."