Thursday, June 02, 2011

Prayers for my Hubby!

My sweetie with his early "Father's Day" present! He is so proud of his new grill.......big and ready for our BIG BAR-B-Q's! With a big family we never have enough room on the he is in business:D
Yesterday was not a very good day........................Rog had to have prostate biopsies taken. Unpleasant event at it's finest. We are actually both very happy that they are testing since his PSA number has been climbing. That is never a good sign and we need to know what is causing it! Now we have the long two week wait for the results. If you believe in prayer....we would sure appreciate one or two. I don't know what I would do without him...............


Meem said...


Know that Rog is in my prayers.

Love, Meem

Rose Garden Romantic said...

I'll pray for him.