Sunday, April 18, 2010

4:30 am..........

When I wake up in the middle of the is best to get up and create! Laying there only frustrates me:) I have been working on these pages for some time now....and nothing was happening. Once I got started it sort of came together!
Now you ask, "What are you doing up at that hour?" Well, let me explain........
Yesterday we were shopping at a furniture store when.....I felt something on my chest! Well, I swatted and jumped, realizing that some kind of bug was on me! Not what you would expect inside a retail store....ha ha! Then the PAIN CAME! I was stung by a bee#%$#^ I am very allergic to bee stings and have had some wierd reactions in my life. I didn't see the bug, so I wasn't really sure what it was. The stinging calmed down after awhile and I didn't think much more of it.
In the middle of the night I woke with this hot, swollen, itching area that was getting bigger and more irritating as time went on!!!!! That was when I got it goes:) I guess I need to thank that little bee for getting my muse going (forget the loss of sleep:).


Diva Kreszl said...

oh my, thank goodness you're okay! It is a very lovely piece though :)

cheryl kuhn said...

I am allergic to bee stings too and I know how frustrating dealing with the reaction can be! How great though that you were able to channel it into working on that wonderful art. So colorful and vibrant, I love it!

Cindy said...

sorry to hear about the bee sting...yuck o. but then again, look at the coolness it produced. perhaps that is what I need...a bee sting. LOL. Out of pain, comes great art?

yapping cat

Nelda Ream said...

I have sure enjoyed seeing your journal pages. So glad the bee sting did not make you deathly ill. I have heard of that happening to people who are allergic to them.