Monday, October 05, 2009

"What is this Mess?" ask

Well, it is time to get ready for Christmas at Recycled Rose! I sell all of my book boxes there and hopefully this year will bring more collectors:) I am also working on the journals to go inside, but only have them covered in Gesso so far! Look at this mess!!!!!!!!!!! It is amazing that anything creative can come from this studio:( I guess it is time to clean up and re-group! Just to have a little surface on which to work....LOL!

It takes me days to decide on what to put on these little pieces. I play with them...working on one and the another. That gives me time for the glues to dry:) I plan to get these finished this week and take them in with some vintage aprons I have made as well!


Cindy said...

I always love your collector cool! You do such a beautiful job. I like how you have several going at once.

As for the Studio, no matter how clean mine is, I always end up working in two inches of space. LOL.

yapping cat

Deb L. said...

Very cool boxes! How I love Christmas!!

Karin said...

I love your makes me feel at home!