Saturday, November 04, 2006

Forcing the Issue...............

Around this time every year I have a little ritual! I love having live plants in my home and forcing bulbs is one way to achieve this! When the blooms and leaves have all been hit by the frost outside I get busy arranging bulbs that will bloom around Christmas. I planted these about 10 days ago......there is still plenty of time if you want to do the same! I usually get my bulbs at Walmart because they are more affordable then at the nursery. The huricane glass hold Narcissus bulbs and I use the tall container to hold the TALL blooms as they grow. If you plant them in a shallow bowl or container you will probably have to tie them together with raffia or jute to keep them from falling over. The big bowl holds Amarillos (sp?) bulbs. I try to put several in the container to get a really big display when they finally bloom! This is such an inexpensive way to have a little natural beauty in your home when so many of us have gone to manufactured trees and garland for the Christmas season:) Posted by Picasa


Denise S. said...

I also plant the amaryllis bulbs to bloom around the hoidays. I got on the internet as we have no places here to purchase them.
I do think I will try WalMart as the prices on the internet with shipping are outrageous.
It will look so nice when your bulbs start flowering.

Boxwood Cottage said...

That is a fabulous idea that I will steel for sure! Thanks for that Linda xox