Saturday, November 18, 2006

Being Thankful.....

It's that time of the year again and I couldn't be MORE THANKFUL! These pictures are from last Thanksgiving at my sister's house. There we are all together....3 less....than this year. This year we have the twins and Milly to celebrate with us. If that weren't enough....Diane and Ted (my nephew) will have a baby in the spring. Another little girl names Grace! They are pictured in the top row middle pic (in the background). Isn't life GRAND!!!! Posted by Picasa


Denise S. said...

You will have a most wonderful time with your family this Thanksgiving.

The little twin boys are just adorable and little Milly is gorgeous and her hair,just beautiful.

Sandy Graeser Haynes said...

Can't wait. I can almost smell the turkey cooking, (and TASTE the GRAVY) ha ha ha . We'll see how many gallons of gravy I can make!!
luv, sis