Saturday, October 14, 2006

Fun Week-end.......

Playing with Picasa I took the pictures of this week-end where Sandy and I were presenters at an MAEA (Mo. Art Educators Ass.) conference in Knob Noster, Mo. We also visited a small town, Black Water, for their fall festival week-end! The town has a population of 198 and I think they were all at the festival. What a darling town. Everyone was so friendly.......that is how small towns are....everyone is welcome and they don't know a stranger! We found this beautiful little community garden and enjoyed the view. I was told that one woman in town is responsible for this little jewel right in the center of town. After a bratwurst and a few antique purchases we hit the road for home. Our presentation was alot of fun and well received. We taught a class on "collage" and the results were amazing. I am including a few pictures of the backgrounds the teachers were creating for their collages. Also here are pics of a few of the happy participants. It is always fun getting together with kindred spirits. Great time and gorgeous weather to go with it...... Posted by Picasa

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